Welcome to the Smart Centres Index Questionnaire

The Smart Centres Index (SCI) is an initiative to track the development of technology and financial centres across the world in their support for and readiness for new technology applications. It aims to help investors, governments, and regulators track the attractiveness of technology centres for new technologies and products by measuring how attuned centres and their regulatory systems are to attracting innovation and growth in FinTech, Machine Learning, Science, and Distributed Ledgers.

We would be extremely grateful for your opinions on the quality of different centres' approach to the regulation, development and application of new technologies. Your opinions will be used in the compilation of the SCI 10, due to be published in Nov 2024. Please take a few moments to help us. The survey is unlikely to take more than five minutes to complete. In return for your help we will send you a copy of our findings. Thank you for your help.

The SCI has been developed by Long Finance as part of its Distributed Futures Programme.

Start Survey

This questionnaire is conducted by The Z/Yen Group in accordance with the Market Research Society guidelines. Personal data collected through this questionnaire will be processed solely for the purpose of SCI questionnaire analysis by The Z/Yen Group and will not be shared with any third parties.